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the egg. Long the symbol of encouragement and new beginning, its protective cover is shaped for strength and arrives ready to paint.
Show what you do
Can you show what you do? Do you need to? If you want people to take notice, you do. Marketing is all about getting noticed. And make it big, bold, and colorful.
Nature Scapes of Lilburn, GA is in the big, bold, and colorful business. As commercial landscapers, they need clients and prospects to "see the difference." They regularly advertise in Atlanta Office & Commerical Real Estate Magazine, a publication of the Building Owners and Managers of Atlanta (BOMA), and for the last couple of years we've helped them show what they do with print ads.
When we developed their web site several years ago, Rick Barnes, Nature Scapes' vice president for installation and maintenance sales, said it was important to minimize text and let pictures tell their story.
"We want to show what we do," said Rick. Luckily for Nature Scapes, they have Rick's talent with the camera to skillfully record both spectacular nature shots as well as showcase properties maintained by Nature Scapes. He combines his passions for nature and photography to richly convey landscape designs and color. With an eye for composition, it's no wonder industry publications regularly feature Rick's nature photos on their covers.
Rick Barnes
The rich detail of Rick Barnes' closely cropped lavender and yellow Violas makes a stunning background for Nature Scapes' magazine ad.
For Nature Scapes' web site, the best opportunity to show off their landscaping passion is the industry awards section. Rick sends us several shots of the company's award-winning properties. First, we decide which ones best convey Nature Scapes' message. Then, through the wonders of digital magic, we create a image splash with text.
Where industry awards photos stand alone, the image for the magazine ad must "work" as its backgound. For Nature Scapes' newest BOMA ad, we chose a lavender and yellow close-up then cropped it even tighter to create solid color fields big enough for the type to comfortably "float" above. The results is a serenely simple statement uncluttered enough to attract attention. It shows what Nature Scapes can do.