web sites

With a website, you become a media mogul, yet few businesses know how to get the most from their investment. Fewer still know how to turn their site into a profit center.

The Proof

Websites that make the cash register ring appear on the first few pages of results when potential customers use generic terms to search for what they want. For instance, if you need a mover in Kansas City, you would search for "Kansas City mover." Go ahead, try it. Click here and Google's classic search page will open in a new window. Type "kansas city mover" in the box and press the "Google Search" button.

There, do you see our client, Vic's Moving & Storage, in the local business results listing? Vic's doesn't appear on Google's first page by accident and they haven't paid for a Google "Sponsored Links" pay-per-click ad (those appear in the skinny column running down the right side of the page and are also sometimes at the top against a yellow-colored background). As our client, positioning their site to achieve a high search engine ranking is just part of our site design and maintenance service.

Though everyone doesn't think the same way and different people will use different search phrases, your site still needs to come up high on the list. Now try searching for "KC mover" (Kansas City locals commonly use the KC abbreviation). There again on the first page of search results is www.vicsmoving.com. And again, it didn't happen by chance.

Need to move your business? Search on "office moves" or "for companies planning a move". In both cases, there on page 1 is officemoves.com, our client Office Moving Systems, Inc. What if you needed your Houston, TX office moved? Search for "office move Houston TX" and you will see our client, Wald Relocation Services, Ltd., listed on page 2 at waldofficeservices.com.

Suppose you need "elevator protection". Search on those terms and up pops our client, The Mat-A-Door®, at matadoors.net in the number 1 spot. Try "elevator pad" and there's matadoors.net again on page 1. Another of our sites is on page 1 there also, officebuildingmanagers.com

Looking for "civil war monuments"? There's our client, Clivil War Monuments of the South, on page 1.

Live in Georgia and need an awning? Search for "awnings Georgia" and there's our client, Georgia Tent & Awning. How about in Atlanta? Search for "awnings Atlanta", and Georgia Tent & Awning appears in two places on page 1.

Remember, achieving a high search engine ranking is no accident. Think of generic search phrases potential customers would use to find your product or service. Now, try searching for them. The most desirable place to be on the entire internet is Google's "coveted top 20", the search results returned on the first two pages. Are you happy with where your site is positioned?

Designed & Maintained
Office Moving Systems, Inc.
The Mat-A-Door®
Vic's Moving & Storage
The Sidekick™ Putter
Georgia Tent & Awning
Civil War Monuments of The South
Wald Relocation Services, Ltd.
Florida Best Quote
Cottage In The Park . . .The Series©
Southern Industrial Linings

Content drives traffic and traffic drives search engine ranking. Without text and graphics that visitors find useful, your site becomes just another lonely place in cyberspace. On the other hand, content without an email to announce it is like stopping at second base after hitting a home run.

The powerful one-two punch of developing content then sending a well-targeted email escapes 99.9% of site owners, and their investment remains an expense rather than a money maker.

Compelling photos demand attention. Good ones stir emotions and evoke a response. Businesses spend
billions each year buying stock photos that depict the image they want to convey or prompt the desired response. While stock photos serve a useful purpose, newsy action shots of you, your employees, and your customers go farther to build credibility, name recognition, and confidence among your target market. A series of them displayed as a slide show can tell a story in a way that words cannot.